hugely effective. hugely fun.
There’s joy in making people feel their own power by sparking them to invite friends to vote. What’s more, it really works — reaching many more voters per hour than traditional voter contact tactics can reach.
The personalized support and guidance [of Vote Rev Action Fund] gave us the tools to secure funding, train volunteers, and engage voters. … We deployed 38 volunteers over a span of just 2 weeks. These volunteers engaged 922 individuals who, in turn, sent 2,609 ‘vote no’ reminder texts to friends and family.Spencer Dirrig
Director, Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund
We’ve always struggled with how to reach out to voters who have already voted and give them a meaningful way to contribute, but [site-based vote tripling] solved that problem.– a staffer at a partner organization
I’m talking with people, they are sending text messages; it feels so much more active and like we all are doing something important.– a California volunteer
[A passerby sent a reminder] to a group of 11 family members. I asked another passerby an hour or two later, and they said, 'I know who you are! My cousin sent me the flier!' It was one of the group of 11.– a canvasser in Wisconsin
People who we talked to also liked it. It was fun! I think it’s a great tool in our toolbox.– a Maine volunteer
let’s get everyone an invitation to vote.
help spread the word!
Have you put time into the movement to invite every voter? Let’s get more people on board: share how easy it was, how fun it was — and how you could tell these simple reminders to vote were sparking people to use their power.